Monday, February 14, 2011

katie price

I suppose its time to admit something-if only to myself. Much as I loathe today's fame and celebrity obsessed culture I find something truly fascinating in the life of Katie Price (jordan.) I have absolutely no idea about celebrities these days. I know very few of their names, don't recognise their faces and generally have no idea what they have done to become famous. Jordan though is different. I knew of her because she was in the papers all the time as a young model with pneumatically enhanced tits. No interest though. I then heard about her fling with Dwight York and the resulting disabled child. Again no interest. Then she appeared on that z list celebrity show about the jungle where she was flirting with someone I'd never heard of called Peter Andre. They later became an item and got married. At this stage I had nno interest and only knew what was impossible to avoid if you picked up a newspaper. One day I almost by accidsent watched a program called Katie and Pete or something similar. She leapt out at me. She was superior, seemed to enjoy belittling him almost constantly and seemed extremely competitive about whatever each of them was putting into the marriage. In their case it seemed to be who was the most famous and who earnt the most money. He in turn seemed to be a nice bloke, maybe fame obsessed, maybe a bit clueless, probably quite shallow, who at times seemed puzzled, frustrated and bewildered over why she was behaving the way she was. Eventually they parted company and then the fun began for all of us. The name calling, the insults, the flagrant "hurt your ex" type tactics, and now I was hooked on the story. She then met some bloke Alex Reid etc etc etc. I read everything I could about her, her relationships, her life. what she was doing, what she was saying. The only other person I had even the slightest bit of interest in was Heather MIlls (married to P McCartney.) I didn't need to have massive amounts of insight to understand why I was so captivated by the two women's behaviours. They had so many similar features that also echoed some of those displayed by Jackie. Not identical by any means, not similar looking, different levels of fame and fortune, different social circles. Nevertheless there were some strange similarities. I struggled with what the actual similarites were, beyond those in common with all humankind and eventually came up with a bit of a check list for behaviours, beliefs, attitudes, phrases, and possible causes, background and thought processes that I at least believe demonstrate levels of narcissism that are way too high to be healthy.
So here they are;-
1) If they say it it becomes reality
2) The principle of least interest
3) Competitive behaviour throughout
4) Need to dominate and control
5) Total absence of any recognisable introspection
6) Frequent projection
7) Need to devalue partner
8) No understanding of the concept of sharing as a couple
9) Oblivious to and sometimes not understanding feelings of other people
10) Need to believe they are perceived as perfect
11) No apparent guilt, remorse or shame
12) No real emotional investment or connection
13) People are disposable
14) Children are tools to be used
15) Dual personalities public versus private
16) No apparent reason for their behaviour, simply a habit
17) Unaware of how ridiculous they can appear at times
18) Need to punish those who do not comply with their wishes
19) Apparent discrepancies in their stories of their upbringing
20) Total disconnection from or absence of any true "connection" with other people
21) Belief they are envied for who they are
22) Supreme self-confidence whatever the reality of their actual abilities
23) Extreme sense of entitlement
24) Their rage is quite disconcerting, even frightening
25) Used to getting their own way
26) Manipulative
27) deceitful
28) Keen to hide the truth about their behaviour, possibly even from themselves.
29) Almost supernatural ability to sniff out other's weaknesses or fears
30) Blitzkrieg approach to arguments when any level of abuse will do
31) Fury at perceived slights from others
32) Blame shifting
33) Spoilt children
34) Simply used to getting their own way
35) Behaviour with Friends appears curiously stilted and unatural
36) Ability to live even thrive in appallingly uncomfortable atmosphere
37) Blaming, never admitting mistakes
38) Inability to apologise
39) Refusal to admit or recognise that their behaviour has had adverse consequences
40) Steamroller effect in negotiations
41) "reset button" attitude towards their own behaviour
I have created (sorry-will create)a seperate page for each of these behaviours giving example from my own experience of that behaviour and giving similar examples of those displayed by Jordan.
One of the other things that has fascinated me about the massive publicity that Jordan/Andre/Reaid has generated are the "comments" that follow each story in the on0-line papers, magazines and blogs. What I find absolutely mind-blowing are the number of people (mainly women) who support, encourage, excuse or will not recognise how her behaviour makes her impossible to live with. What troubles me is the possibility that the world is full of people with either similar characteristics or people who are just too stupid to see what is going on here. I mean the "oh but she's a lovely mum" type comments and the "everyone hates her because she's an independent succesful woman" quotes and also the "peter Andre's such a bastard for leaving her" crap.


Vixina said...

I agree. Found this article since I googled KAtie price psychopath. She is super shallow (obviously) and goes through men like candy. And theyre all called assholes afterwards. cant be all of them but it must be her. Kieran probably cheated bc he didnt get any love from her and although it being her wedding, Reed still was denied sex. She seems like the typical psychopath who take the men only for gaining something, the new man is helping her with finances and starting a new company, André was supposed to get her fame which worked and so on.. She seems so cold.

Anonymous said...

Similar to the previous comment I found this article after googling Katie Price NPD. Just watching this crazy life repeat from the 4th and yes, sheks just been to rehab and set the “reset” button. No awareness of what a terrible mother taking cocaine it makes her, she blames the house local dealers and her acquaintances. Total car crash, but fuck am I driving slow with my neck fully craned!

True to life said...

I agree, why do I know so much about Katie Price? It is sad but she displays all the behaviour of a narcissist. I had a girlfriend when I was 21 who almost destroyed my whole life and it was only through understanding narcissistic personality disorder that I could ever understand her behaviour. Sadly Katie Price has never learnt despite the fact she acknowledged she is a narcissist. Unfortunately this is a disorder which is very difficult if not impossible to cure. It is so sad to see her victims and her inability to see her own faults.